Brand Safety Audit in Chat GPT Store

Brand Safety Audit

GPTs information of Brand Safety Audit

Description: This advanced GPT model provides comprehensive risk assessment by pinpointing potential challenges and adverse effects that could impact your public relations, marketing, or internal communication campaigns, thereby ensuring a more informed and strategic approach to your messaging.
Author: Rene Heuser
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Brand Safety Audit

Prompt Starters:

Analyze the attached file or image for potential risks.

What practical implications can occur if we would publish this campaign?

Could this text, image or idea be misunderstood in certain countries or communities?

Create a comprehensive audit about my planed campaign. If necessary ask questions about the provided material. Analyze for potential legal, moral, ethic, or economic fallouts.

Give me 5 personas that could be offended or dislike this campaign.

Give me a step-by-step guide how to evaluate my campaign.

I want to work together with this creator, influencer, website, or channel. Could this be harmful for my own brand?


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